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"The path you dare not tread, often leads to the treasure that you seek."
It's the rare individual who glimpses even a fraction of the unlimited potential within us. It's rarer still, to find that bravest of souls who dares to be extraordinary.
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Tony Child | Tony Child Books | Vision Shift
VisionShift: A 10-week Program to Transforming Your Life, Company and Industry so You Can Have, Do, and Give More is a book and process that will introduce you to concepts and tools for harnessing the power of your mind. Broken down into two sections—your vision and the shift that will occur afterward—VisionShift will show you how to understand the power of your mind when it comes to creating your reality.
tony child, coaching, motivational speaker, business coach, keynote, presenter, life coach, business coach, author, Utah
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Inspiring Leaders To Create Success On Purpose

Vision Shift

At this pivotal point in history when thousands of people are waking up to the desire of having more, doing more and giving more, you are on the precipice of becoming the person you were meant to be.


VisionShift: A 10-week Program to Transforming Your Life, Company and Industry so You Can Have, Do, and Give More is a book and process that will introduce you to concepts and tools for harnessing the power of your mind.


Broken down into two sections—your vision and the shift that will occur afterward—VisionShift is a 10-week program that will show you how to understand the power of your mind when it comes to creating your reality.

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Vision Shift book cover

“The shift in VisionShift occurs when you actually believe you can accomplish the vision you’ve identified.”

“If you are constantly competing, there is only so much success, money, good health or love to go around”

“You can have great desires, but if they don’t align with your values, those desires will most likely go unfulfilled.”