logo Creating Success On Purpose
Tony's Mission: To Transform The Lives Of More Than One Million By 2025
"The path you dare not tread, often leads to the treasure that you seek."
It's the rare individual who glimpses even a fraction of the unlimited potential within us. It's rarer still, to find that bravest of souls who dares to be extraordinary.
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Tony Child | Meet Tony Child
Tony is the Founder and CEO of Elevated Worldwide, a business coaching and consulting firm that helps executives, founders, and business owners create success on purpose with the power of positive mindset. Tony helps people curate their internal knowledge base, implement systems that can enhance their personal and professional ecosystems, and cultivate environments where the intersection of passion, purpose and profit all align.
tony child, coaching, motivational speaker, business coach, keynote, presenter, life coach, business coach, Utah
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About Tony

His Mission: To Transform The Lives Of More Than 1M By 2025
Tony speaking to group

Meet Tony Child

Since childhood Tony has loved Superman because of his alternate identity, Clark Kent. Admiring how he moved through life doing extraordinary things and then living an everyday life as Clark. Tony has embraced this concept, becoming the Clark Kent of Personal Development. He’s on a mission to impact millions of leaders to awaken to their potential capacity through written and spoken words while remaining true to his core values.


Tony is the Founder and CEO of Elevated Worldwide, a business coaching and consulting firm that helps executives, founders, and business owners create success on purpose with the power of positive mindset. Tony helps people curate their internal knowledge base, implement systems that can enhance their personal and professional ecosystems, and cultivate environments where the intersection of passion, purpose and profit all align. Tony has collaborated with famous authors like John Maxwell and Bob Proctor as well as mentored executives, high-performing entrepreneurs, and Olympic athletes.

Close up image of Tony speaking

Speaking Topics

Tony is one of the world’s most sought-after business and motivational keynote presenters. Tony has spoken to over 168,000 people around the world through presentations for firms, associations, business groups, colleges, universities, and youth organizations.

Contact Tony
Achieving Success In Your Life & Business With Purpose

The Secret In Reaching for Your Company Goals

Discovering Positive Ways To Develop Your Mindset

Overcoming Your Fears & Rebuilding Relationships

Gaining Confidence In The Real You

Making Your Way To A Life of Liberation, Success & Contentment

Discovering The Keys To Success & Fulfillment Through Personal Development

Taking Accountability & Implementing Leadership Skills The Right Way To Improve Your Everyday Life

Tony holding sign that says "Say I won't wake up 1,000,000 people to their greatness
Tony speaking excitedly
Tony with his wife and two boys
Tony standing in front of banner of himself